Unit 5 – Life Partners

Developmental psychology emphasises the influence of the parents and family on an individual’s maturity, astrological doctrine suggests their imprint is already etched upon the soul at birth.
10 modules plus workbooks and booklets

Unit 6 – Cycles of Life

We will study each of the planetary cycles and its correlation to the human life cycle as well as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, mid-life, the 50’s, etc
10 modules plus workbooks and booklets

Unit 7 – Life Skills

The horoscope reveals inherent skills & resources that are unique to each individual. In unit 7 we will examine vocation – finding a fulfilling profession.
10 modules plus workbooks and booklets

Unit 8 – Times of Life

In Unit 8 we will examine the astrological tradition of progressions, a symbolic way of evolving the horoscope. Progressions & directions will be introduced.
10 modules plus workbooks and booklets

One USB stick containing 4 units/40 modules, plus workbooks and booklets for each unit